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  • Is Self-Care Selfish?

    Is Self-Care Selfish?

    Is self-care selfish?
    Nope, but a lot of folks disagree. In this brief video, I walk through why self-care is self preservation, preventative medicine, and necessary for every human to flourish. While there is likely a threshold that a small number of people cross that bleeds into self absorption or even feeding narcissistic leanings, the vast majority of people are light years away from that threshold, and most people simply want a better version of themselves…a healthier version with more balance and harmony.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on the self-care.

    #selfcare #wellness #workplacewellbeing #workplacewellness #happiness #resilience #leadership #psychologicalsafety #thriving #stressreduction #stressmanagement #PersonalPower

  • Addressing Burnout in the Workplace: An Expert’s Perspective

    Addressing Burnout in the Workplace: An Expert’s Perspective

    From Avant Media:

    Dive into the insightful world of workplace wellness with Dr. Zachary Ginder, co-founder of Pine Siskin Consulting, a boutique psychological consulting firm.

    In this enlightening interview, he discusses the issue of burnout, a critical concern in today's professional landscape. Dr. Ginder presents his expert perspective on recognizing and managing burnout on an individual level and within organizations.

    Dr. Ginder also highlights the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on workplace stress levels and burnout rates, and he acknowledges the role that specific industries, like healthcare, play in this complex issue.

    Join us as we explore the ramifications of burnout, learn about its implications on different sectors, and acquire actionable strategies to foster healthier workplaces.

    This video is a must-watch for professionals, employers, HR specialists, and anyone interested in improving workplace wellness and productivity.

  • Perspectives: How Time Changes Perception

    Perspectives: How Time Changes Perception

    In this brief video, Dr. Zachary Ginder draws on the experience of visiting an old bookstore from his youth as an analogy for how we can begin to take advantage of the special things in our lives when we become too accustomed to what these things offer. He reminds us that using the lens of a “beginners mind” can provide a renewed sense of awe and inspiration, and subsequently bring about renewed interest and enjoyment.

    #mindfulness #beginnersmind #selfcompassion #compassion #perspectives

  • Perspectives: Moving from Judgement to Compassion

    Perspectives: Moving from Judgement to Compassion

    [Sound On for Best Results]
    In this very brief thought exercise, Dr. Zachary Ginder discusses how moving from judgement to compassion, with a genuine interest in learning, can bring radical change. This is especially important during “crucial conversations,” where there may be a difference of opinion.

  • Defining Your Relationship With  Work: Does Your Work Own You?

    Defining Your Relationship With Work: Does Your Work Own You?

    Providing somewhat of a contrarian view, in this brief video Dr. Zachary Ginder explores the relationship that many have with their work, and how one’s pre-occupation with work can easily become a second, full-time occupation. Dr. Ginder ends with the poignant and thought provoking question of who is in charge of your personal life, you or your work?
    #worklifebalance #WorkLifeHarmony #workplacewellness #workplacewellbeing #mentalhealth #PersonalPower #personalmastery #leadership #leader #leadershipcoaching #thoughtleadership #stressmanagement

  • Quitting Is Not Always A Bad Thing

    Quitting Is Not Always A Bad Thing

    Quitting is often perceived as negative in context, and rarely is it viewed as a potential liberating mechanism that one can utilize when situations are no longer serving their best interests. This short video offers a counter narrative to mainstream views of quitting. Remember, when you walk away from something negative in your life, you have the opportunity to walk towards something positive.
    #PersonalPower #QuietQuitting #WorkLifeHarmony #workplacewellbeing #workplacewellness #resilience #leadership #quitting #stressreduction #happiness

  • Leadership & Control

    Leadership & Control

    In this short video, Dr. Zachary Ginder shares thoughts on leadership and attempting to control situational circumstances using the analogy of water in your hands.

  • Change Your Relationship With  Yourself With This One Simple Practice

    Change Your Relationship With Yourself With This One Simple Practice

    The topic of this brief talk can be difficult for some, yet it can be transformational when applied in daily practice. My hope is that this message is received by those that need it most. When I have spoken to individuals about this practice, it often brings up a world of emotions about what these three words mean to them, the last time they have heard these words expressed towards them, and the last time they have expressed them towards themselves. It is indeed a loaded phrase for many, but this isn’t about narcissism, being self absorbed, or having “too much Vitamin I.” It is about loving the imperfect, yet perfect beings that we all are.
    In loving kindness, Zachary

  • Your Intrinsic Value: You Are Enough Just As You Are!

    Your Intrinsic Value: You Are Enough Just As You Are!

    Sharing a message of positivity and affirmation that “You Are Enough, Just as You Are.” Challenges with self-worth and value as a person have been bubbling up in conversation lately with a lot of folks who are really struggling. Although a single affirmation generally won’t resolve these challenges, the power of positive self talk is undeniable. I encourage you to listen to the mental scripts that are playing in your head, and challenge any that aren’t serving you. Remember, your value is never based on external factors. In this present moment, with these current circumstances, you are enough, and you always will be enough.